Selections from MUSIC FOR DANCE VOL 1 Overture 1 Overture 2 Lacrimosa Milonga Milonga 2 Quick Fix Ricordi Suerte De La Noche After Ombak Longtang Distant Shore Zambra The Wonderful Musician Snow White Dancing Princesses (The Shoes) Zambra The Wonderful Musician
Selections from TWISTED TALES OF FELIX THE CAT (CBS)> Sharkie The Sphinx General Speech Where's Pons? Bagnapping I Rest My Case Fireball Club For Cats Fats Is Loose Bright Shiny Things Free Running Donuts Get A Cat Oh Boy Food Felix in GUARDIAN IDIOT (Full Episode)
Selections from MUSIC FOR FILM Shaku Forest Camille 1 Camille 4 AWAAM Theme 2 Undulating Fields of Wheat Interwoven Mist of Afternoon Warmth Of The Morning Sun Metropolis Chinese Flowers So It Happened Reading In The Theater Struggle Struggle for Solo Cello As The Sun Sets
Selections from MACE (ATARI GAMES) (Technical limitations made looping soundtrack necessary) As much as I love Mortal Kombat, there is absolutely no fighting-game in my opinion that had musical tracks as memorable as Mace: The Dark Age (@Deader87) Namira Taria The Executioner Mordos Kull Xiao Long Al Rashid Takeshi Ragnar Koyasha Namira Lord Deimos Asmodeus MACE Full Soundtrack